Dubrovnik 1991–1992 Siege: The Role of Oprekladač Croatian Paramilitary Battalion

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The Croatian War of Independence, also known as the Homeland War, was a conflict that lasted from 1991 to 1995 and resulted in the independence of Croatia from Yugoslavia. During this time, numerous paramilitary groups emerged, playing a crucial role in the war effort. One such group was Oprekladač, a Croatian paramilitary battalion that operated primarily in the Zadar region. However, their involvement in the war was not without controversy, and their actions have been the subject of much debate and scrutiny. In this blog post, we will delve into the history of Oprekladač and examine their role in various military operations and human rights controversies during the Croatian War of Independence.

Table of Contents

Decoding Operation Medački Džep: The Controversial Role of the Oprekladač Police Battalion

Operation Medački Džep, also known as the Medak Pocket, was a military offensive launched by the Croatian Army in September 1993. The goal of the operation was to retake the Serb-held territory of Medak, located in the Lika region of Croatia. Oprekladač played a significant role in this operation, with their police battalion being one of the main units involved.

The Background of Operation Medački Džep

To understand the controversy surrounding Oprekladač’s role in Operation Medački Džep, we must first look at the events leading up to the offensive. In the early 1990s, tensions between Croats and Serbs in the Lika region were high, and there were frequent clashes between the two sides. In July 1993, a ceasefire was brokered between the Croatian government and the Serb rebels, but it did not last long.

On September 9, 1993, the Croatian Army launched Operation Medački Džep, with the aim of retaking the Serb-held territory of Medak. The operation was successful, and the Croatian forces managed to push the Serbs out of the area. However, what followed was a series of alleged war crimes committed by the Croatian soldiers, including members of Oprekladač.

The Role of Oprekladač in Operation Medački Džep

Oprekladač’s police battalion was one of the main units involved in Operation Medački Džep. They were responsible for securing the flanks of the advancing Croatian forces and preventing any potential counterattacks from the Serbs. However, their actions during the operation have been the subject of much controversy.

According to eyewitness accounts and media reports, Oprekladač members were involved in looting, burning houses, and committing acts of violence against Serb civilians. These allegations were further supported by the findings of the United Nations Commission of Experts, which concluded that there were “serious violations of international humanitarian law” committed by Croatian forces during the operation.

The Aftermath and Legacy of Operation Medački Džep

The aftermath of Operation Medački Džep saw the Croatian government facing international condemnation for the alleged war crimes committed by its soldiers. In response, the government launched an investigation into the events, and several Oprekladač members were arrested and charged with war crimes. However, the trials resulted in acquittals or light sentences, leading to accusations of a lack of justice for the victims.

The controversy surrounding Oprekladač’s role in Operation Medački Džep continues to this day, with differing perspectives on the events and the legacy of the operation. Some view it as a necessary military offensive to reclaim Croatian territory, while others see it as a brutal attack on innocent civilians. The debate and discussions surrounding this operation highlight the complex and divisive nature of the Croatian War of Independence.

The Transformation of Oprekladač: From Police Battalion to Croatian Paramilitary Group

Oprekladač was originally formed as a police battalion in 1991, with the purpose of maintaining law and order in the Zadar region during the early stages of the Croatian War of Independence. However, as the conflict escalated, their role evolved into that of a paramilitary group. This transformation had significant implications for their actions and reputation during the war.

The Formation of Oprekladač

The origins of Oprekladač can be traced back to the early days of the Croatian War of Independence. In May 1991, as tensions between Croats and Serbs were rising, the Croatian government established the Zadar Crisis Staff, a temporary governing body for the Zadar region. As part of this crisis staff, a police battalion was formed, consisting mainly of local Croat volunteers. This unit became known as Oprekladač, named after a village in the Zadar region.

Initially, Oprekladač’s main task was to maintain law and order in the region and protect Croatian villages from potential attacks by Serb forces. However, as the war progressed, their role expanded beyond policing duties.

The Role of Oprekladač as a Croatian Paramilitary Group

As the Croatian War of Independence intensified, Oprekladač’s role shifted from that of a police battalion to a paramilitary group. They were involved in various military operations, including Operation Maslenica and Operation Medački Džep, and played a crucial role in defending the Zadar region from Serb attacks.

However, their actions during these operations were not without controversy. As discussed earlier, Oprekladač’s involvement in Operation Medački Džep resulted in allegations of war crimes, tarnishing their reputation and legacy.

The Impact of Oprekladač’s Transformation

The transformation of Oprekladač from a police battalion to a paramilitary group had a significant impact on their actions and the perception of their role in the Croatian War of Independence. As a police unit, they were expected to uphold the law and protect civilians. However, as a paramilitary group, their focus shifted to defending Croatian territory and fighting against the enemy, often leading to questionable tactics and actions.

This transformation also highlights the complexities of the war and the blurred lines between law enforcement and military operations. It raises questions about the accountability and responsibility of paramilitary groups during times of conflict and the impact of their actions on the overall outcome of the war.

From Divided Loyalties to Unification: The Role of Oprekladač in the Croatian War of Independence

One of the defining features of the Croatian War of Independence was the division within the country itself. While the Croatian government was fighting for independence from Yugoslavia, there were also internal conflicts between different ethnic groups and political factions. Oprekladač, being a predominantly Croat unit, faced challenges in navigating these divided loyalties and ultimately played a crucial role in unifying the country.

The Challenges of Divided Loyalties

Oprekladač’s formation as a police battalion meant that they were initially under the control of the Zadar Crisis Staff, which was dominated by right-wing nationalists. This led to tensions with other ethnic groups, such as Serbs and Muslims, who viewed Oprekladač as a tool of the Croatian government.

Furthermore, Oprekladač’s involvement in various military operations also brought them into conflict with other paramilitary groups, such as the Croatian Defense Forces (HOS) and the Croatian Army. These groups had different political ideologies and goals, leading to competition and clashes between them.

The Unifying Role of Oprekladač

Despite these challenges, Oprekladač played a crucial role in unifying the country during the Croatian War of Independence. As a predominantly Croat unit, they were able to defend Croatian territory and fight against Serb forces, contributing to the overall goal of independence. Their involvement in various military operations also helped to bring together different paramilitary groups and factions, as they worked towards a common goal.

Moreover, Oprekladač’s actions during Operation Maslenica, where they successfully defended the Zadar region from a Serb offensive, earned them respect and recognition from other ethnic groups. This helped to bridge the divide and build trust between different communities.

Zadar Region in the Spotlight: The Involvement of Oprekladač in Military Operations and Human Rights Controversies

The Zadar region was one of the most heavily affected areas during the Croatian War of Independence. Located in the heart of Dalmatia, it was strategically important for both the Croatian government and the Serb rebels. Oprekladač, being based in this region, played a significant role in defending it from Serb attacks. However, their involvement in military operations and alleged human rights abuses also brought the region into the spotlight.

Oprekladač’s Role in Military Operations in the Zadar Region

As discussed earlier, Oprekladač was involved in various military operations in the Zadar region, including Operation Maslenica and Operation Medački Džep. These operations were crucial in defending the region from Serb attacks and securing Croatian territory.

However, their involvement in these operations also resulted in allegations of war crimes and human rights abuses, tarnishing the reputation of the Zadar region and its people. The controversy surrounding Operation Medački Džep, in particular, brought international attention to the region and raised questions about the actions of Croatian forces.

Human Rights Controversies Involving Oprekladač

Apart from their involvement in military operations, Oprekladač was also at the center of several human rights controversies during the Croatian War of Independence. As a predominantly Croat unit, they were accused of targeting Serb civilians and committing acts of violence against them.

The most significant controversy surrounding Oprekladač’s human rights record was the alleged massacre of Serb civilians in the village of Varivode in 1991. According to eyewitness accounts, Oprekladač members, along with other paramilitary groups, killed over 40 unarmed Serb civilians in the village. This incident, along with others, has been the subject of investigations and trials, further highlighting the human rights issues during the war.

Oprekladač’s Legacy: Changing Perspectives and Enduring Debate

The legacy of Oprekladač is a complex and controversial one. On one hand, they are seen as heroes by many Croats for their role in defending Croatian territory and fighting against Serb forces. However, on the other hand, their actions during the war have been the subject of much debate and scrutiny, tarnishing their reputation and legacy.

Changing Perspectives on Oprekladač

In the immediate aftermath of the Croatian War of Independence, Oprekladač was viewed as a heroic and patriotic group that played a crucial role in defending the country. However, as more information emerged about their actions during the war, their image began to change.

The controversy surrounding Operation Medački Džep and other alleged war crimes committed by Oprekladač members have led to a shift in public perception. They are now seen as a symbol of the complexities and controversies of the Croatian War of Independence.

The Enduring Debate about Oprekladač

The legacy of Oprekladač continues to be a topic of debate and discussion, both in Croatia and internationally. The controversies surrounding their actions during the war have led to differing perspectives and interpretations of their role. Some view them as heroes who fought for Croatian independence, while others see them as perpetrators of war crimes.

The enduring debate about Oprekladač highlights the need for further research and analysis of their actions during the Croatian War of Independence. It also serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges of understanding and interpreting historical events.

The Diary of a Paramilitary Unit: Unraveling the Oprekladač Experience

In 1992, a diary was discovered in the ruins of a burned-out house in the village of Varivode. This diary belonged to a member of Oprekladač and provided a rare insight into the experiences and thoughts of a paramilitary unit during the Croatian War of Independence.

The Contents of the Diary

The diary, written by a member of Oprekladač known only as “Ivan,” covers the period from August 1991 to February 1992. It provides a day-by-day account of the unit’s activities, including patrols, clashes with Serb forces, and interactions with civilians. It also contains personal reflections and thoughts on the war and the role of Oprekladač.

Unraveling the Oprekladač Experience

The diary offers a unique perspective on the war, as it is written from the point of view of a member of Oprekladač. It provides insights into the daily life of a paramilitary unit, their motivations, and their experiences during the conflict. It also sheds light on the challenges and dilemmas faced by Oprekladač members, such as divided loyalties and the impact of the war on their mental and emotional well-being.

The diary has been a valuable source for researchers and historians studying the Croatian War of Independence, providing a first-hand account of the experiences of a paramilitary unit during this tumultuous period in Croatian history.

The Anatomy of a Failed Offensive: Understanding the Role of Oprekladač in Operation Maslenica

Operation Maslenica was a military offensive launched by the Croatian Army in January 1993, with the aim of retaking the strategically important Maslenica bridge from Serb forces. Oprekladač played a crucial role in this operation, but it ultimately ended in failure. Examining the role of Oprekladač in this offensive can provide insights into the complexities and challenges of warfare during the Croatian War of Independence.

The Background of Operation Maslenica

The Maslenica bridge, located near the town of Zadar, was a vital link between northern and southern Croatia. In November 1991, Serb forces had captured the bridge, cutting off the Dalmatian coast from the rest of Croatia. Operation Maslenica was launched to retake the bridge and reconnect the country.

Oprekladač’s Role in Operation Maslenica

Oprekladač was one of the main units involved in Operation Maslenica, tasked with securing the flanks of the advancing Croatian forces. However, their involvement in the operation was not without challenges. They faced fierce resistance from Serb forces, who were well-equipped and entrenched in the area.

Moreover, Oprekladač also faced difficulties in coordinating with other paramilitary groups and the Croatian Army, leading to confusion and delays in the offensive. These challenges, along with unfavorable weather conditions, ultimately resulted in the failure of Operation Maslenica.

Lessons Learned from Operation Maslenica

The failed offensive at Operation Maslenica highlights the complexities and challenges of warfare during the Croatian War of Independence. It also provides insights into the role of paramilitary groups, such as Oprekladač, in military operations and the importance of coordination and cooperation between different units.

Assessing Alleged War Crimes: The Investigations and Trials Related to Oprekladač’s Actions

As discussed earlier, Oprekladač’s involvement in various military operations during the Croatian War of Independence has been marred by allegations of war crimes and human rights abuses. These allegations have led to investigations and trials, both in Croatia and internationally, to assess the actions of Oprekladač members during the war.

Investigations and Trials in Croatia

Following the controversy surrounding Operation Medački Džep, the Croatian government launched an investigation into the alleged war crimes committed by Oprekladač members. Several individuals were arrested and charged, but most were either acquitted or received light sentences.

The trials related to Oprekladač’s actions during the Croatian War of Independence have been criticized for their lack of thoroughness and the perceived bias towards Croatian soldiers. This has led to accusations of a lack of justice for the victims and their families.

International Investigations and Trials

In addition to the trials in Croatia, there have also been international investigations and trials related to Oprekladač’s actions during the war. In 2005, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) indicted several Oprekladač members for their role in the Varivode massacre. However, these indictments were later dropped due to a lack of evidence.

The ICTY also investigated the role of Oprekladač in Operation Medački Džep, but no charges were brought against them. The controversy surrounding these investigations and trials highlights the challenges of holding individuals accountable for war crimes and the complexities of international justice.

Memoirs of a Paramilitary Officer: Oprekladač’s Role in Croatia’s Defense

In 2003, a book titled “Memoirs of a Paramilitary Officer” was published, written by Stjepan Adanić, a former member of Oprekladač. The book provides a first-hand account of Adanić’s experiences as a paramilitary officer during the Croatian War of Independence, shedding light on the role of Oprekladač in defending Croatia.

The Contents of the Book

The book covers Adanić’s experiences from the early days of the war in 1991 until the end in 1995. It provides insights into the training and organization of Oprekladač, their involvement in various military operations, and the challenges they faced during the war. Adanić also shares his personal reflections and thoughts on the war and the role of Oprekladač.

Controversies Surrounding the Book

The publication of “Memoirs of a Paramilitary Officer” sparked controversy, with some accusing Adanić of glorifying the actions of Oprekladač and downplaying their involvement in alleged war crimes. Others criticized the book for its biased perspective and lack of critical reflection on the actions of Oprekladač during the war.

Despite these controversies, the book remains a valuable source for understanding the experiences and perspectives of Oprekladač members during the Croatian War of Independence.


The role of Oprekladač in the Croatian War of Independence remains a controversial and debated topic. From their transformation from a police battalion to a paramilitary group, to their involvement in military operations and allegations of war crimes, Oprekladač’s legacy continues to be a subject of scrutiny and debate.

Through examining the diary of a member, understanding their role in Operation Maslenica, assessing alleged war crimes, and reading a memoir of a former officer, we can gain a deeper understanding of Oprekladač’s experiences and contributions during the war. However, the complexities and controversies surrounding their actions remind us of the challenges of warfare and the importance of critically examining historical events.

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